Gartner: Social, Mobile and data-centric

Workplaces are becoming more “social”, focusing on data and consumer habits, and this leads to a disruption of traditional security models and strategies so far valid, as is clear from the last study by Gartner titled “Prepare for the security implications of the digital workplace.”

The research firm predicts that by 2018, 25% of large organizations have a clear strategy to make the corporate environment in which you work with tools similar to those in consumer computing.

The workforce becomes “consumered” the security and companies need to recognize and deal with change. Companies that understand the new trends for the first will have an advantage over the others.

“Digital literacy workers has led to a growing trend of consumerization in the majority of public and private companies, because employees use a variety of devices and consumer-oriented applications to work” says Tom Scholtz.

According to Gartner, the large number of devices and means of access of the digital workplace, along with threats and attacks are increasingly sophisticated and dynamic, makes the traditional approach of preventive control ineffective. These tools are useful, but the Digital Workplace makes it necessary to focus on a more reactive type and capacity of detection.

For companies will require a new dose of confidence in users and their ability to use technology and information in the correct way, without imposing risks to sensitive resources of the organization, companies must be able both to remedy in a timely manner to harmful behavior both to reward good behavior.

To have confidence in the individual users of the Digital Workplace is a key element that makes possible the creation of a new generation of digital office worked well. It is an approach that puts people at the center of the strategy, or a people-centric security (PCS), which highlights the importance of the behavior of every single person in the company for success in the workplace and digital puts the emphasis on the responsibilities that each has, in the face of a series of rights.

Source: Corriere delle Comunicazioni

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