Code of Ethics

The success of TransTec Services is based on its correct company policy and on the principle of transparency, adopted with regards to all Stakeholders, such as: Employees, Coworkers, Customers, Suppliers, Public Administration, End User, etc..

This Code of Ethics is used in order to clearly define all the principles and values on which the integrity of the company is based. It consists of several parts whose content is summarized below:

Article 1: Recipients
The Code applies to the Sole Director, shareholders, all employees of TransTec Services Srl, and any external collaborators and partners engaged in contractual or commercial relationships.

Article 2: Requirements
All employees must be familiar with the Code, adhere to relevant laws, and avoid actions contrary to its guidelines. Managers are responsible for communicating these rules and collecting feedback for improvements.

Article 3: Principles
The principles include corporate responsibility, fairness, conflict of interest prevention, and confidentiality. Employees must act ethically, avoid conflicts of interest, and maintain strict confidentiality regarding company information.

Article 3.1: Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Commitment to legal compliance, ethical integrity, and condemnation of discrimination, corruption, and forced labor is emphasized.

Article 3.2: Fairness
Ethical behavior and responsible use of company assets are mandated, along with limitations on accepting gifts.

Article 3.3: Prohibition of Conflict of Interest
Employees must avoid actions that conflict with company interests and disclose any potential conflicts.

Article 3.4: Confidentiality
Strict confidentiality regarding company and client information is required.

Article 3.5: Conduct in Business
This includes guidelines for relations with public institutions, customers, and external collaborators, ensuring transparency, compliance, and professionalism.

Article 4: Internal Policies
This section covers human resources, emphasizing respect, equal opportunity, and professional development. Recruitment processes must comply with laws, and decisions should be merit-based.

Article 4.1: Human Resources
Recognition of the importance of human resources and commitment to their professional growth.

Article 4.2: Staff Selection and Recruitment
Transparent and lawful recruitment processes are required, with comprehensive information provided to new hires.

Article 4.3: Centrality of the Person
Respect for workers' dignity and fundamental rights, prohibition of harassment, and fostering a non-discriminatory work environment.

Article 4.4: Transparency of Accounting Records
Accuracy and completeness in accounting, with strict compliance to anti-money laundering regulations.

Article 4.5: Protection of Health, Safety, and the Environment
Commitment to safe working conditions and environmental protection.

Article 4.6: Anti-Money Laundering and Corruption
Zero tolerance for involvement in criminal activities, with strict adherence to anti-corruption laws.

Article 5: Infringement and Sanctioning Consequences
Violation of the Code results in contractual penalties, with a process for reporting and verifying breaches.

Article 6: Whistleblowing
Encouragement of reporting violations through designated contacts, ensuring confidentiality.

Article 7: Final Provisions
Approval and dissemination of the Code, with updates communicated to all recipients.

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